Saturday, September 22, 2007

Keeping An Eye On The Competition

The tgdaily writes:
"The Lunar X-Prize apparently has found its first official entry with Carnegie Mellon, as Whittaker from the university's Robotics Institute said that he is assembling a team to compete for the grand prize. The Lunar X-Prize challenges engineers and entrepreneurs around the world to develop a low-cost robot that is capable of landing on the moon and accomplishing a few experiments."


Unknown said...

A few days ago, when I noticed their website, "", I wondered how they got so much on there in so little time, so I looked up the record. It shows a registration date of 09/10, which is 3 days prior to the announcement. As a potential contestant, I will be complaining about this to the Foundation. I know that 3 days isn't much in a contest which will likely take at least 3 years, but it's the principle of the thing. I don't think that the "big guys" should be allowed insider knowledge, especially in a contest which is supposedly about openness, given that Moon 2.0 has similar features to Web 2.0.

Open Lunar X said...

Thank you for reading and thank you for your post. Please keep us posted on the results of your correspondence with the foundation. Feel free to contribute our team as well.